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天下安危,匹夫有责,先知先觉,义岂容辞! 我们要图国家富强,必须要自己振作精神,大家团结起来,公同向前去奋斗。 万不可自私自利,只知道要自己到什么地位,不知道国家到什么地位。 我们有了这项志气,便是国民志气。 教养有道,则天无枉生之才;鼓励以方,则野无郁抑之士; 任使得法 则朝无倖进之徒。 斯三者不失其序 则人能尽其才矣; 人既尽其才,则百事俱举;百事举矣,则富强不足谋也。 |
中国人民从此站起来了! 遇事不怒,基本吃素,多多散步,劳逸适度。 凡是敌人反对的,我们就要拥护;凡是敌人拥护的,我们就要反对。 敌进我退,敌驻我扰,敌疲我打,敌退我追. 人不犯我,我不犯人! |
crossing a river to get to the other side, you touch its stones to
guide you. But you never quite know where those stones will lead you. 解放思想,实事求是。 不管黑猫白猫,抓住老鼠就是好猫 沉着应付、韬光养晦、绝不当头、有所作为 read |
探讨个人或众生的生存意义和目的,以唯物观来说是荒谬的,但是每个人总有些理想,这理想往往决定其奋斗方向及对事物的判断。我从不把安逸和享乐当作奋斗目标,我称这种索求为猪栏理想。照亮我生命道路的那些理想,并且时时给我新的勇气愉快地活下去的是三样东西:友善、美和真理。 没有学术界同道的友情,没有对客观世界、艺术和科学领域永恒及不可企及事物的追索,生命对我来说是空虚的。人们所追求的目标——财富、外表的成功和奢华,我认为是微不足道和可鄙视的 The important thing is not
to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. |
And if someone does something that's offensive, you reject it, plain and simple. But you don't tell an expert how to do an expert's job. You ask. Don't issue thunderbolts of wisdom from the top of Mount Olympus. You're talking about the people of the world and what makes them go. That's the ballpark we play in. Running the government is the ballpark they play in. Those are two different games. Both sides have to be open and flexible. |
Anita Roddick : |
passionate about ideas. Entrepreneurs want to create a livelihood from an idea that has obsessed them; not necessary a business, but a livelihood. When accumulating money drives out the ideas and the anger behind them, you are no longer an entrepreneur. Potential entrepreneurs are outsiders. They are people who imagine things as they might be, not as they are, and have the drive to change the world. Those are qualities that business schools do not teach. An MBA can give you useful skills that can be applied to a life in Business. But they will not teach you the most crucial thing : How to be an entrepreneur. 10 lessons that entrepreneurs need more than what they teach in Business school : 1) Tell stories 2) Concentrate on creativity 3) Be an opportunistic collector 4) Measure the company according to fun and creativity 5) Be different, but look safe 6) Be passionate about idea 7) Feed your sense of outrage 8) Make the most of the Female element 9) Believe in yourself and your intuition 10) Have self knowledge. |
我住水之北,君住水之洲;天涯也咫尺,往来有飞舟; 我中早有你,你中我长留;彼此情无限,恰似水长流。 |
: |
知足,虽贫亦可称为富;有财而欲多,则可称为贫。 惟有主动放弃多余的物质追求,才能在简单朴素之中体验心灵的丰盈充实, 追求宽广的精神空间和风雅的境界。 生活应尽量简朴,摆脱物欲纠缠,让心灵悠游于平和自由之境,才是人最高尚的生存境界。 |
who have achieved all their aims probably set them too low Read more at : |
我其实对名利看得很淡,这些年来,也不觉得自己有什么成就感。 我只是尽自己的责任,把交托给我的工作做好,至于人家对我认不认可,那是别人的权利。 我只问自己做得够不够,是不是光明磊落,无愧于心。 太在意别人的看法,做人未免太憋。 成功没有捷径, 越是困难,越是能锻炼一个人的性格和智慧 生活不是享受,而是奋斗 别老想着要出名,老老实实干点实在的东西,一切自然水到渠成。 |
刘墉 |
大学问者,必经过的三种境界,即“昨夜西风凋碧树,独上高楼,望尽天涯路”、“衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴”和“众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处”,正好符合“骆驼、狮子、婴儿”的三种人生阶段概念。 这三个过程中缺一不可,因为生活的每一个过程需要每个人亲自去体验。唯有经过了许多思考和争逐,才能想出办法超越自己的弱点,成就事业,施展抱负,实现理想,并创造出个人的风格。 我们不能只依靠父母先天所给予的。先天不足的地方,我们可以后天创造,创造出自己的个人风格。离开世界时,才能肯定自己没有白来。 |
杨瑞清 : |
我们应该不必太看重成绩,成绩并不一定导致成功。 我们应该也不必太看重成功,成功并不一定导致幸福。 不幸福的成功,只能是暂时的成功,甚至是虚假的成功。 我们真正应当看重的是成长,教育的最高境界是抓住成长两个字。 |
has five million people, six million entrepreneurs and 15 million
opinions. Singapore has five million people, six entrepreneurs and one opinion. read |
do you take control of your financial future ? 1) Take control of your attitude. 2) Take control of your financial education. 3) Take control of a plan to get rich. 4) Control who your friends are. Physical exercise improves health, mental exercise improves wealth, laziness destroys both. Remember the Golden Rule. He who has the gold makes the rules. The poor and middle class work for money. The rich have money work for them. The trouble with the rat-race is that even if you win, you're still a rat. |
Walter Bagehot : |
A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. |
George Soros : |
Survive first, and make money afterwards. |
I was in the right place at the right time. Second, I saw the vision. Third, and most important, I took action. |
takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently. Everyone looks great when the tides is high. When the tides go down, you will see who is without swimming trunk. You really do not need much leverage in this world. If you are smart, you are going to make a lot of money without borrowing. Investing Rule No.1 : Never lose money Investing Rule No. 2 : Never forget Rule No.1 If you say "I'm taking this job - I do not really like this job but in three years it will lead to this", forget it. Find one you like right now. One of the things you will find, Which is interesting and which people do not think of enough, with most businesses and with most individuals, Life tends to snap you at your weakest link. Read |
Hugh White : |
you make a mistake, don't look back at it along. Take the reason of the thing into your mind and then look forward. Mistakes are lessons of wisdom. The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power. |
Knudstorp : |
advice to entrepreneurs is to go the hard, hard way towards
understanding the meaning of your brand and why you are truly excited by it. Only then can you articulate clearly how you want to build and strengthen it. |
not pursue what is illusory - property and position: all that is
gained at the expense of your nerves decade after decade and can be
confiscated in one fell night. Live with a steady superiority over life - don't be afraid of misfortune, and do not yearn after happiness; it is after all, all the same: the bitter doesn't last forever, and the sweet never fills the cup to overflowing. Read |
Jeffery J.Mayer : |
become successful because they get the important things done. They become successful by producing high quality work, and delivery it on time. They become successful because they dot their "it's" and cross their "it's" They become successful by doing things they're supposed to do, doing them well, and getting them done on time. |
: |
of high self esteem are not driven to make themselves superior to
others; they do not seek to prove their value by measuring themselves against a comparative standard. Their joy is being who they are, not in being better than someone else. |
Franklin D.
: |
Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort. |
Roosevelt : |
any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right
thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worse thing you can do is nothing. |
would rather try to persuade a man to go along, because once I have persuaded him he will stick. If I scare him, he will stay just as long as he is scared, and then he is gone. A sense of humor is part of the art of leadership, of getting with people, of getting things done. |
Mark Twain : |
go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. |
Thomas Paine : |
If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace. |
Robert Schuller : |
Success is never certain, but failure is never final. |
is missed by most people, because it is dressed in overalls and looks
like work. Many of life's failure are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. read |
Roman Poet : |
Many individuals have, like uncut diamonds, shining qualities beneath a rough exterior. |
the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. |
Cosby : |
don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody. |
Prasad : |
you do not milk the cow fully, it falls sick. If the cow falls sick, bankers will lose money and farmers will go bankrupt. So it is better to take care of the cow. |
Djoe :
you don't do as well as me, why should I leave anything to you ? If you do much better than me, then you don't need anything from me. |
a person to be successful, he must have acumen, a passion to acquire
knowledge, willpower to achieve, and self confidence which makes him unafraid of failure. Never take advantage of anyone. |
原名周树人,后改为周樟寿,字豫才,浙江绍兴人。中国现代伟大的无产阶级文学家、思想家和革命家,享年55岁。 横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛。 度尽劫波兄弟在,相逢一笑泯恩仇。 - 唯有民魂是值得宝贵的,唯有它发扬起来,中国才有真进步。 - 其实地上本没有路,走的人多了,也便成了路。 - 愈艰难,就愈要做。改革,是向来没有一帆风顺的。 - 走上人生的路途吧。前途很远,也很暗。然而不要怕,不怕的人面前才有路。 - 生活太安逸了,工作就会被生活所累。 - 宁可与敌人明打,不欲受同人暗算。 - 怀疑并不是缺点。总是疑,而并不下断语,这才是缺点。 - 改造自己,总比禁止别人来的难。 - 假使做事要面面顾到,那就什么事都不能做了。 - 贪安稳就没有自由,要自由就要历些危险。只有这两条路。 - 必须敢于正视,这才可望敢想、敢说、敢做、敢当。 |
才华是刀刃,辛苦是磨刀石,再锋利的刀刃,苦日久不磨,也会生锈。 骄傲自满是我们的一座可怕的陷阱;而且,这个陷阱是我们自己亲手挖掘的。 |
寒风料峭侵窗户,垂帘懒向回廊步。 月色入高楼,相思两处愁。 无边家国事,并入双蛾翠。 若遇早梅开,一枝应寄来! 不惜千金买宝刀,貂裘换酒也堪豪。
李敖,字敖之,台湾当代著名作家、历史学家、政治评论家,民主斗士。曾担任东吴大学特聘教授,脱口秀节目主持人,无党籍“立法委员”。 BLOG : at here 全面解析李敖权威传记:李敖档案 不管你多么优秀,不管你多么爱国,当大方向错的时候,你自己再优秀再爱国,也跟着错了。 人们从小就被教育做好人、训练做好人,长大以后,有的自信是好人、有的自许是好人、有的自命是好人,他们从少到老、从老到咽气,一直如此自信、自许或自命,从来不疑有他,但是,好人、好人,他们真是好人吗?深究起来,可不见得。 * 好人的第一坏:不敢与坏人争。 * 好人的第二坏:以为「独善其身」便是好人。 * 好人的第三坏:以为「心存善念」便是好人。 张伯苓所说的 : 『这个年头儿,就是因为「坏人都在台上唱戏,好人蹲在屋里叹气。」才越来越糟糕!』 |
“就好像我们交朋友一样,和越有创造力、活泼、有自信的人在一起做朋友,你很轻松 不必随时担心是不是踩到他的痛脚,是不是侮辱了他。城市是一样的。” “当一个城市过度干净的时候,它一定是花很多心思跟精力,放在维持这个城市的干净、 整齐跟秩序。当一个城市花那么大的心力,来维持干净、整齐跟秩序时, 我自己的偏见是,它的创造力一定是相对比较低的。” |
我脚踏实地,人往往失败因为贪,我不贪。 做人没有目标的话,你永远不会成功!把握你自己的目标,把你所学的东西学好,抓住就去做,不成功明天,不成功后天,总有一天你会成为专家。千万不要学人家,不要认为你跟这... 我是一个中国人,永远也不会忘本,在好莱坞打拼如何也不仿碍我在国内发展,我们中国人不像有些国家,因为一部电影在好莱坞略有影响就改了美国籍 |
* 不要怕被别人利用,人家利用你说明你还有用 * 吃是实功,赌是对冲,嫖是落空 * 花一文钱要收到十文钱的效果,这才是花钱能手 * 做事要做到刀切豆腐两面光 * 钞票再多只不过是金山银山,人情用起来好比天地.. * 英雄不怕出身低,关健要有一个好脑子 * 做人有三碗面最难吃:人面 场面 情面 * 对人必须诚恳,即使有人欺瞒我于一时,我总能以诚字来感动 他,使他心悦诚服。 我的处世之道,尽在一个诚字,你们举一反三,方始可以谈交友. * 头等人,有本事,没脾气; 二等人,有本事,有脾气; 末等人,没本事,大脾气。 * 人可以不识字,但不能不识人 * 挨骂是假的,银子是真的 * 杜月笙有句挂在嘴上的话:小心得天下,大意失荆州 * 人活在世上要靠两样东西,胆识和智慧 * 锦上添花的事情让别人去做,我只做雪中送炭的事情。 * 钱财用的完,交情吃不光。所以别人存钱,我存交情。 存钱再多不过金山银海,交情用起来好比天地难量! * 每月存款折上多几个零不算你有多少钱,花出去多少钱才算你有多少钱。 * 前半夜想想自己,后半夜想想别人 * 事不要做绝,要留有余地。 * 君子我不怕,毛贼我不惹! |
Hijime Mitari : |
should do something when people say it is crazy. If people say something is good, it means that someone else already doing it. |
One35th : |
人如能常常保持淡然坦然,则人生肯定会过得更有深度,更为快乐 士能知足心常泰,人到无求品自高。 漫漫人生路总是苦乐相伴的,有了家庭和孩子,才是比较完美的人生。 对孩子付出了真爱,就有心灵的满足与幸福。 创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,创新是一个企业竞争力的源泉 “穷则通,通则变,变则久”,谁能在路穷之前抢先一步? 合理的要求是训练,不合理的要求是磨练 如果自己都不投资自己,那么又怎么渴望别人投资你。 诚然,如果自己都不了解自己,那么你怎么期望别人来了解你。 修身,齐家,治国,平天下。 博学、审问、慎思、明辨、笃行。 为天地立心,为生民立命,为往圣继绝学,为万世开太平。 |
苏东坡 : |
人似秋鸿来有信,事如春梦了无痕。 人生到处知何似,应似飞鸿踏雪泥; 泥上偶然留指爪,鸿飞那复计东西? |
幼吾 : |
人生目的岂只是为了名利权?难道真的没有东西是能够永远“得(到)”而不“失(去)”,值得追求的吗? 我深信只要人修身正心,行善积德,成为一个品德高尚,堂堂正正的坦荡君子才是人生要“得“的目的。 这总比去追逐过眼云烟的东西更为重要。 是非成败转头空,人何不脚踏实地,尽力而为,不计得失,不论成败,那又何需说“得失安之于数”呢? |
money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability. Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently. A handful of men have become very rich simply by paying attention to details that most others ignored. |
to be a good worker ? Clean loo with bare hands. Work is by nature not a pleasurable thing. If work is really enjoyable, I will collect an entrance fee from each employee every morning, just like at the amusement park or cinemas. Anything less than No.1 is last (Maxim No. 1) |
you don't drive your business, you will be driven out of business. If you consistently do your best, the worst won't happen. |
you want to succeed, you have to forge new paths and avoid borrowed ones. read |
Kay COTTEE : |
FEEL the fear and do it anyway. |
Herbert N. CASSON : |
The men who succeed are the efficient few. They are the few who have the ambition and will power to develop themselves. |
Abraham H.
: |
you deliberately plan on being less than you are capable of
being, then I warn you that you'll be unhappy for the rest of your life. |
Grellet : |
expect to pass through this world but once. Any good, therefore, that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, Let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again. |
Benjamin FRANKLIN : 17-Jan-1706 - 17-April-1790 |
If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can
take it away from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. read |
冰心 : | 生命中不是只有快乐,也不是只有痛苦,快乐和痛苦是相生相成,互相衬托的。” |
Mary Ann Allison : | Hire the best. Pay them fairly. Communicate
frequently. Provide challenges and rewards. Believe in them. Get out of their way and they'll knock your socks off. |
Leo BUSCAGLIA: Author |
easiest thing to be in the world is you. The most difficult thing to be is what other people want you to be. Don't let them put you in that position. |
one35th - Last updated on :
Saturday, August 15, 2009 |