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U-Boat Glossary Courtesy from  Silent Hunter II User Manual
A :
: Nickname for torpedo (eel)
Agru-Front : Ausbildungsgruppe für Front-U-Boote - Training unit for frontier U-boats
AK : Äusserste Kraft (voraus). Command for "Full speed"
Alarm : Emergency dive order on a U-boat
Alberich : Special rubber foil to protect the U-boat from ASDIC. First attempted on U-67 in 1941
Aphrodite : (FuMT 30) Radar faking device
As : A famous U-boat commander (Ace)
Asto : Admiralstabsoffizier - Staff officer for the BdU. From Nov. 1941 to May 1945
Athos : (FuMB 35) An advanced radar detection device
Ato : Atmosphärisch getriebener Torpedo - A compressed air driven torpedo
Aussteigen : Leaving the U-boat in emergency situations
B :
B-Dienst : Beobachtungsdienst - The German wireless observation service
Bachstelze : A motor less helicopter device for type IXD U-boats.
Backbord : Portside
Bali I : FuMB 29 antenna
Baubelehrung : The time before commissioning, when the future crew make themselves familiar with their new U-boat
BdU : Befehlshaber der Unterseeboote - Commander-in-Chief for Submarine, Dönitz from 19 September, 1939
Berlin : Name for an advanced radar detection device (FuMO 84)
Betasom : Italian submarine command in Bordeaux
Biber : Mini U-boat-type. One man crew (Beaver)
Biskaya-Kreuz : Nickname for the first radar detection device (FuMB 1) (Biscay Cross)
Blechkoller : A form of nervous tension (tin fright) that could be caused by depth charge attacks and resulted in violence or hysteria
Bold : A tool for deception of the enemy Asdic.
Borkum : Name for a radar detection device (FuMB 10)
BRT : Bruttoregistertonne - Gross register ton (GRT)
Bugraum : (Bow room) The room in front of the U-boat. Home of the crew
Bundersmarine : The German Navy from 1848 - 1852 and again after 1956 
C :
Cypern : Name for a radar detection device (FuMB 9) Also W-ANZ G 2 see also Wanze )
D :
Delphin : Midget U-boat
Dreisternemeldung : (Verlustmeldung) Casualty report
Druckkörper : The Pressure hull
E :
E-Mixer : Nickname for electro-mechanics
Einbaum : Nickname for the U-boat type II (long canoe)
Eisernes Kreuz : Iron Cross
Elektroboot : The U-boat types XXI and XXIII
Enigma : The German Navy cipher machine
ES : Erkennungssignal Recognition signal given by flags, Morse signal or by signal pistol (the last was used by U-boats)
Etmal : The distance the U-boat traveled in 2 hours (from high noon to high noon)
Eto : Elektrischer Torpedo - Electric driven torpedo
F :
Fächer : The simultaneous fire of two or more torpedoes (Fan shot)
Fähnrich z. See : Officer cadet
Falke : Name for acoustic torpedo T4. (Falcon)
Fangschuß : Finishing shot (coup de grâce)
FAT : Flächenabsuchender Torpedo - A torpedo that was capable of running in pre-programmed patterns and loops
FdU : Führer de Unterseeboote - Chief / Leader / Head / Commander of U-boats
Feger : Nickname for destroyer (sweeper)
Feindfahrt : War cruise / patrol against the enemy
Flak : FLieger - Abwehr-Kanone - Anti-aircraft gun
Fliebo : Fliegerbombe - Air bomb
Fliege : FuMB 24 - A radar detector (Fly)
Flottille : Flotilla
Frontboot : U-boat which finished all training courses and was detached to a front flotilla
FT : Funktelegramm : Wireless message
FuMB : FUnk-Mess-Beobachtung - Radar detection
FuMO : FUnk-Mess-Ortung - Radio detecting or Radar
Funker : Radioman (wireless operator)
Funkraum : Radio room
Funkspruch : Wireless message

G :
G 7a : Geradlaufapparat 7 (meters length) a (Atmosphärisch) - A compressed air driven torpedo
G 7e : Geradlaufapparat 7 (meters length) e (elektrisch) - An electric driven torpedo
Geheim : Secret (i.e. secret documents and so on)
GeKDos : Geheime Kommandosache - Top secret level
Geleitzug : The convoy
GHG : GruppenHorchGerät - The underwater sound detector
Goldbutt : Codename for the torpedo G 5ut. Planned for the small Walther U-boats
Goliath : Codename for the Kriegsmarine long wave radio station in Kalbe near Magdeburg. With this transmitter BdU cold maintain   contact with long range U-boats (17 pylons between 170 and 200 m height). This station's radio transmissions could be received as much as 25 meters underwater
H :
Hagenuk : (FuMB 9) A radar detector
Hakenkreuz : The Swastika
Halsschmerzen : (Having a sore throat) - The commander is itching for the Knights Cross
Hartmut : Codename for German U-boat operations during the occupation of Norway
Hecht : Midget U-Boat (Pike)
Heizer : Stoker crew
Hohentwiel :A radar device (FuMO 61 and 65)
Horchraum : Sound detection room
I :
I WO : Erster Wachoffizier - First Watch Officer
II LI : Zweiter Ingenieur - Second Engineering Officer
II WO : Zweiter Wachoffizier - Second Watch Officer
III WO : Dritter Wachoffizier - Third Watch Officer (as a rule the "Obersteuermann")
K :
Kaiserliche Marine : The German Navy between 1871 - 1919
Kaleu : (Also Kaleun or Kaleunt) Abbreviation for "Kapitänleutnant"
Kaptlt : Kapitänleutnant (also Kl, KL, Kptlt)
Kimm : The visual horizon
Klappbuchs : Nickname for the (morse-) signal light, also "Varta-Lampe"
Kolcher : Nickname for small ship
Kolibri : The perfume for U-boat crews
Kommandant : Commander
Kommissbrot : Hard and black bread of the Kriegsmarine
Konfirmant : Nickname for future commanders, who one training patrol on a U-boat (Confirmand)
Koralle : The codename for the Headquarters of Admiral Dönitz located near Berlin from 12.43 - 02.45
Korvkpt : Korvettenkapitän Commander (also KK)
Kriegsmarine : The German Navy between 1935 - 1945
Kriegstagebuch : (KTB) War Logbook, War diary
Kurzsignal : A very short radio signal
L :
: Leitender Ingenieur - Chief Engineering Officer
Ltnt.z.S. : Leutnant zur See - Lieutenant
Luftwaffe : German Air Force 1935 - 1945
LUT : Lagenunabhängiger Torpedo - A torpedo that was possible to shoot every position and bearing
M :
: (FuMB 25) A radar detector (Gnat)
Mülltonnen : An unfriendly word for wabos (depth charges) often used by seamen
Mündungsklappen : The bow caps of torpedo tubes
Maat : Petty officer
Mahalla : Nickname for convoys
Malings : Comics Pictures on the U-boat conning tower
Marder : One man torpedo
Matrose : Seaman
Metox : A radar detection device (FuMB 1)
Milchkuh : A nickname for the type XIV supply U-boat (Milk Cow)
Mine : A mine
Mixer : A nickname for torpedo-mechanics
MND : Marine Nachrichten Dienst - German Naval radio intelligence service
Monsunboote : U-boats that operated in the Far East and the Indian Ocean
N :
: (FuMB 28) An Advanced radar detection device
Neger : One man torpedo
Nibelung : An advanced sonar device on U-boat type XXI (also called S-Anlage)
O :
: Oberbefehlshaber der Marine - Commander in Chief of Navy
Oblt. z. S. : Oberleutnant zur See - Lieutenant Senior (also OL, Oblnt. z. S.)
OKM : Oberkommando der Marine - Equal to Britain's Admiralty
OKW : Oberkommando der Wehrmacht - High Command of the Armed Forces
P :
: A depth meter for small ranges, named after its inventor (A WWI U-boat engineer)
Pastorius : Codename for a spy operation when U-202 and U-548 set 8 agents ashore in the USA in June 1942
Paukenschlag : Operation Drumroll / Drumboat against allied shipping in US and Caribbean waters the first half of 1942
Peter : Codename for a mining operation of U-589 in the Arctic Sea in August 1942
Pillenwerfer : A small device the German Navy created to help subs confuse the enemy sonar. It is released from the U-boat and the salt water starts a chemical reaction that produces millions of noisy bubbles. This "clouds" the sonar. It worked to some extent, but the slow U-boats usually couldn't get very far away to be happy about it.
R :
: The German Navy between 1919 - 1935
Ritterkreuz : Knight's Cross ( of the Iron Cross )
Rohr : Also Torpedorohr - Torpedo tube
Rudel : (Wolf)-pack
S :
: An early radar detection device (FuMB 4)
Schlüssel M : The German Navy code
Schleichfahrt : Silent running
Schlicktown : Nickname for Wilhelmshaven (Sludge town)
Seehund : Midget U-boat for two -man crew
Seekuh : Nickname for large U-boats of type IX (Sea Cow)
Seerohr : The periscope
Seetakt : An early radar device (FuMO 29)
SKL : Seekriegsleitung - German Supreme  Naval Command
Soldatensender Calais : British broadcast for psychological warfare against the U-boat force
Sonderführer : Special Commander
Spargel : Nickname for the periscope (Asparagus)
Spiegelei : Nickname for the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold (fried egg)
Steuerbord : Starboard
T :
T 5
: Codename for the acoustic torpedo (homing weapon)
Tauchretter : Life jacket with respirator
Tauchtanks : The tanks into which the water rushes when the U-boat submerges
TEK : Torpedo Erprobungs Kommando - An institution for testing the new developed torpedoes
Tiefenruder : The depth rudder
Tunis : An advanced radar detection device (FuMB 26)
TVA : Torpedo Versuchs Anstadt - An Institution for torpedo experiments
U :
U-Boot Päckchen
: Nickname for the (leather-) working clothes for the crew
U-Boot Frontspange : A U-boat decoration awarded from 1944
U-Bootkriegsabzeichen : A U-boat decoration usually given after 2 patrols
UA : A U-boat that was built for Turkey in 1938-1939 as Batiray, in German duty as UA 21 Sept. 1939
UAA : Unterseeboots Ausbildung Abteilung - A department for training men to become U-boat men
UAK : Unterseeboots Abnahme Kommando - This unit took over the recently constructed and commissioned U-boats at the shipyards
UB : The former British submarine HMS "Seal" - Commissioned into the Kriegsmarine as UB
UC : Former Norwegian submarines
UD : Former Dutch submarines
UF : Former French submarines
UIT : Former Italian submarines
UJ : Unterseeboots Jäger - German submarine chasers, often old trawlers
ULD : U-Boots-Lehr-Division - U-boats training division
UT : Underwasser Telefone - Underwater telephone
UZO : U-boot Ziel Optik - U boat target optic (aiming binoculars)
V :
: Name of a U-boat bunker near Bremen, Germany
VO : Verwaltungsoffizier - Administrative officer
Vorhalterechner : Electro - mechanical deflection calculator; produced the attack coordinates for the torpedoes
W :
: Nickname for Wasserbomben (depth charges)
Waffen : Weapons
Wanze : A radar detector - FuMB 9 (Wellenanzeiger)
Werft : A shipyard
Werftgrandi : Nickname for shipyard workers
Wintergarten : Nickname for U-boat's anti-aircraft platform
Z :
: Nickname for acoustic torpedo T5 (Wren)
Zentrale : The U-boat control room
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